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Performance Review & Appraisal Skills Case Studies

Case Study – Motor Neurone Disease Association (charity)

Performance Reviews & Appraisals

A two day course for all appraisers to introduce them to the skills of appraising others as part of a performance review and appraisal process. The core skills of feedback, listening, questioning, body language and summarising were explored via discussion, video, activities and role plays. How people learn, coaching and how to draw up a personal development plan with individuals was also a core component of the course.

Appraisee Skills

A half day course to focus individuals on the planning required to have a successful appraisal. Topics included life planning, visioning, goal setting, feedback skills and clarifying the boundaries for security.

There have been interesting developments from the Performance Review training. The empowerment model has had a significant impact and people are using it in their everyday work. We are really delighted with the appraisal training and staff are motivated to appraise and be appraised. It’s what we wanted.

– Kay Attard, HR Manager, Motor Neurone Disease Association (charity)


Case Study – Cranfield University (education)

Appraisal Skills for Appraisers

Achieving results through the work of other people is a key part of every manager’s job and the principal tool in this process is the performance and development review appraisal. Used effectively, it enables you to agree with each member of staff the quality and quantity of the work they can achieve, identify the training and development experience they require to carry out their job and motivate them to reach the agreed targets. This one and a half day workshop enables participants to practise their interviewing and appraisal skills and consider the alternatives they have with each individual.

The Development Company has been instrumental in the successful development of Appraisal Training for Cranfield University since 1998. The dynamic and flexible approach to participants’ needs has ensured that there has been increasing emphasis on the motivational aspects of performance review appraisals. The coaching style used in such sessions has stimulated staff to seek innovative solutions for dealing with their staff and increased their commitment to the process.

– Lynn Horsnell, Personnel Policy, Resourcing & Employee Relations Manager, Cranfield University


Case Study – Countrywide Property Lawyers (solicitors)

A one to one coaching day tailored to the CWPL system for performance appraisal reviews and the specific needs of the Managing Director in appraising his staff.

The one to one appraisal training received on site proves to be a valuable management tool. A vast amount of work was covered during the day, tailored to my needs.

Stephen Ambler, Managing Director, Countrywide Property Lawyers

And 180 degree feedback on the results:

Following the training my boss received, I participated in the most effective performance review appraisal ever experienced in my career.

– Jo Moore, PA to the Managing Director, Countrywide Property Lawyers

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