The Tresham Traineeship Programme
This is Ethan’s third and final blog as he nears completion of his seven week work placement with us.
On this page you will find links to two downloadable Ebooks which Ethan has created:
- Top Ten Tips for Getting the Most out of a Work Placement (This is for the placement students)
- Tips for Employers on How to make Work Placements Useful
Please download these ebooks and use them to help you get a more enriching experience – for both students and employers.
Here is Ethan’s blog.
Ethan’s End of the Placement Blog
I am now coming to the end of my seven weeks with The Development Company and I feel like the work I’ve done here and the kind of day-to-day life I’ve experienced are really going to help me in the future when I am searching for employment.
What I have Learned
Observing the whole team for seven full weeks has given me a very real insight into what working for a company is like, I have drastically developed a huge number of skills whilst I have been here without even realising. My communication skills and confidence have grown after spending a lot of time in a completely new environment and I have learned to work better in a team, helping Adrian by completing important tasks.
I’ve also strengthened my literacy skills with all the e-books and the online course that I’ve helped author (not to mention all this blog writing!). I feel like it will be very useful for me to bring these skills with me when I’m looking for a job as these skills are often essential skills that are needed when employers are looking for candidates.
The Work Environment
My time at The Development Company has not only been useful, but it has been fun too! There has not been a moment in these two months where I have been bored, or wished that I was somewhere else.
The work that I have been doing is always so interesting that I’m happy to sit for hours and work through the tasks that I’m given, but my favourite part of my placement has been observing meetings and travelling around to meet an abundance of interesting people.
Hopefully on the final week of my placement, I will spend most of my time observing training sessions and meetings, so I can see how people in the working world really operate.
My New Skills
Learning how to use the software on the computers through trial and error has helped me immensely with my problem solving, as problem solving was a skill I really needed to develop before this course. I could not solve problems by myself at all but now I find it fun to try new things and find solutions to any problem that gets thrown at me. This is because when I am given a task I enjoy, I am more inclined to get involved and learn about it while being given a job just because it needs to be done.
My Placement Match
Luckily, the Tresham Traineeship course did an amazing job of finding a workplace that was best suited to me and allowed me to take advantage of my strongest skills whilst also allowing me to build on any weaker ones.
Many people don’t get involved in the course because they think it’s a waste of their time, but I can assure you that getting on the course, and being put in a workplace that inspires you like The Development Company inspires me, will open up an immeasurable number of opportunities that you can’t find anywhere else.
Ethan Vowles
In Conclusion
We have seen Ethan’s confidence and his skills grow and develop over the period he has spent with us.
We were deliberate in not spoon-feeding him as we needed him to use his own judgement, decision making and problem solving skills.
He will leave the Tresham Traineeship Programme is a very strong position to to provide the organisation lucky enough to employ him with real value adding skills.
Adrian Green