Using a Time Log for Time Tracking
This is based on a real email which was sent out to internal employees of a particular organisation. If you feel any time codes are missing then please let us know and we will add them to the list.
To: all Staff
Subject: Timesheets
Notice to All Employees
It has come to our attention recently that many of you have been submitting timesheets for your time tracking that show large amounts of “Miscellaneous Time” (code 6666). Miscellaneous Time is not a problem. What is a problem, however, is not knowing exactly how you are spending your miscellaneous time.
Below is a Miscellaneous Time Code Sheet for you to use for your time tracking. This will allow us to see exactly how you are using this time.
Begin using this code sheet immediately and let us know about any difficulties you encounter.
Time Tracking Codes and Explanations
1001 Filling in my expenses
1002 Fiddling my expenses
1100 Planning for a meeting
1101 Trying to sound knowledgeable whilst in meeting
1102 Pretending to be interested in what others are saying in meeting
1103 Attending meeting purely because of the nice biscuits they have
1104 Catching up with my sleep whilst in a meeting
1201 Waiting for tea break
1202 Waiting for lunch break
1203 Waiting for the end of my working day
1301 Enjoying an extended toilet break
1302 Ranting to myself whilst on toilet break
1303 Ranting with others whilst on toilet break
1401 Posting on social media sites
1402 Ranting on social media
1499 Ranting with others
1501 Phoning Doctor to arrange an appointment to deal with stress
1601 Gossip
1602 Phoning IT department and asking for any gossip they’ve heard
1603 Inventing gossip
1604 Avoiding people I am gossiping about
1605 Getting upset hearing gossip about me that is true
1606 Comforting a colleague who has heard gossip about them
1607 Getting very upset hearing gossip about me that is untrue
1608 Denying starting rumours
1501 Phoning Doctor to arrange an appointment to deal with stress
1601 Buying a snack
1602 Eating snack
1003 Filling out my timesheet
1004 Filling out my Boss’s timesheet
1005 Inventing timesheet entries
1701 Waiting for something to happen
1702 Dozing
1403 Looking for inspiration on social media
1703 Daydreaming
1704 Sleeping
1801 Complaining about my job
1802 Complaining about my colleagues
1803 Complaining about my job prospects
1804 Complaining about poor IT/network
1805 Complaining about my boss
1806 Complaining about my personal problems
1404 Complaining on social media
1501 Phoning Doctor to arrange an appointment to deal with stress
1405 Logging onto social media
1406 Phoning IT and begging them to unblock certain social media sites for me
1407 Bitching about why some social media sites are blocked at work
1408 Logging onto social media sites using my Boss’s authority codes
1409 Enjoying being on social media
1410 Logging off social media when Boss asks why I’m posting during work time
1901 Ordering in a pizza
1902 Waiting for pizza delivery to arrive
1903 Being thrilled that the pizza company gave me free garlic dough balls
1904 Eating pizza and dough balls
1905 Feeling nauseous due to eating too much
1906 Taking it easy whilst digesting pizza and dough balls
1501 Phoning Doctor to arrange an appointment to deal with stress
2001 Using company resources for personal gain
2002 Phoning IT department to ask why printers aren’t working
2003 Stealing company goods
2004 Writing ads for stolen company goods
2005 Phoning IT department to find out how to crop a photo for my ad
2006 Loading ads for stolen company goods
2101 Planning a bad news phone call to a client
2102 Making bad news call to client when I think there’s a good chance they’ll be out
2103a Feeling relieved I managed to avoid speaking with the client and left a voicemail instead
2103b Suffering post traumatic stress following speaking with the client
1501 Phoning Doctor to arrange an appointment to deal with stress
2201 Using company phone to make personal calls
2007 Phoning IT department to ask why internet is down
1501 Phoning Doctor to arrange an appointment to deal with stress
2301 Planning a major personal event (e.g. my wedding, holiday)
2401 Feeling sorry for myself
2501 Pretending to work whilst boss is watching
2502 Pretending to enjoy my job
2503 Pretending I like my team
2504 Pretending I like important people when in reality they are idiots
1501 Phoning Doctor to arrange an appointment to deal with stress
You can download a PDF version of this article at the top of the page.
Happy time tracking!
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Adrian, you sure must have taken a lot of time to figure and put these points across 🙂 Adressing the reasons is a challenge and could be frustrating for most of us. We cannot leave them unchecked and probably one solution with the right approach can help us solve and get rid of all the problems.