Meeting Minutes
Minute Taking Skills – Ready Made Course
Everyone who is taking meeting minutes needs this course.
Taking meeting minutes is a difficult skill to get right. Most people taking meeting minutes end up with too much detail of what was said and not enough detail of what was decided.
This Minute Taking Skills Ready Made Course is a complete package which includes trainer/facilitator notes, handouts, activities, visual slides and filmed scenarios of meetings which provide practice in taking meeting minutes.
The video scenarios used within the Minute Taking Skills course are all filmed using professional actors and a full film crew. All the films are about life within Barton International and are scripted by trainers who are experts in their subject matter.
Meeting Minutes – Minute Taking Skills
Example Course Content
The Meeting Cycle
- The roles of the Chair and the Minute Taker
Working Assertively
- Assertiveness techniques
The Agenda
- Types of agenda
- Managing the agenda
Styles of Meeting Minutes
Note Taking
- Verbatim notes
- Selective notes
- Mind mapping
Note Taking Practice
Minute Taking Skills Ready Made Course
The Minute Taking Skills Ready Made Course includes example note taking and meeting minutes formats, meeting brief template and agenda examples.
Normal Price: £499 plus VAT for the DVD and £251 plus VAT for Facilitator Notes, Handouts and Activities, Total £750 plus VAT.
Special Offer held until end December 2025: £499 plus carriage and VAT includes Facilitator Notes, Handouts and Activities
At this special offer price of £499 plus carriage and VAT, Job Interview Skills provides you with a value added course which you can use again and again.
If you would like to preview all scenarios, then please call us on 01604 810801 and request a preview DVD.
Testimonials for Minute Taking Skills Ready Made Course
“I have been impressed with the quality of the production and would definitely recommend this ready-made course to other training providers. The feedback from delegates has been tremendous.”
Paula Elliott, Pitman Dover
“As a trainer, I found the DVD very useful, and it gave me the opportunity to deliver a course with lots of practical experience of taking minutes. It took just two hours for me to learn the course.” – Jane Murphy, Trainer, Pitman Training.
“I particularly liked the short scenarios and realistic dialogue for note taking practice.”
Debbie Austin, Trainer, Hemsley Fraser
“These training resources are self explanatory and enable you to cut/add exercises to suit your needs. The videos are great as they enable learners to apply and develop their minute taking skills by ‘Giving it a go’ on the day.”
Neil Clarke
Organisational Development and Training
Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
“The DVD really helps with the note taking practice.”
Chris Maden, Events
I have been delivering this workshop for about 3 or 4 years and it has proved to be the most popular and most well received that I deliver. I thoroughly enjoy delivering it, as the materials are excellent. I wish all meetings were 4 minutes long, like the videos and they definitely make for good minute taking practice. I would like to see something about minute taking on conference calls, if these are going to be updated at some time.