Online Qualifications
Achieve your professional online qualifications now. The Certificate in Training and Development is the professional trainer qualification and the Certificate in Coaching is the full professional qualification forView Category -
Online Courses
Our online courses main subject areas include Minute Taking Skills, Running & Chairing Meetings, Job Interview Skills, Recruitment Interview Skills and Time Management Skills. From £29.70 + VAT per licenceView Category -
Training Qualifications
Training Qualifications available: The Foundation Certificate in Staff Development, the full professional trainer's Certificate in Training and Development and the full Certificate in CoachingView Category -
Complete the Transactional Analysis questionnaire and receive your Profile results and information to help you understand your different ego states.View Category -
Online Short Courses
Micro learning online. Bite sized learning which you can access when and where you like.View Category -
Ready Made Training Courses
Our Ready Made Courses have been developed by trainers who share over 50 years training experience. Made professionally and starring professional actors, our films take training resources into the 21st century.View Category -
Open Training Courses
Minute Taking Skills, Assertiveness, Presentation Skills, Time Management, People Management Skills and Train the TrainerView Category