Twelve Tips for Becoming a Successful Manager
Management Skills and Behaviours – Tips 1 to 3
Most of us become managers because we are good at the task part of our job and usually have completely untested management skills.
The job being a manager is easy. The job of being a good manager is very difficult.
Just because we are good at doing the job we are expected to be good at managing others who do the job.
The reality is often so different. The skills of managing are completely different to the skills of managing.
Over a series of four blogs on management skills I will give you the twelve tips for becoming a successful manager. Follow these tips and you will develop your management skills and become a good manager.
Tip 1 – Don’t try to be someone you are not
The temptation is to try and copy the previous manager. Bad mistake. You are not the previous manager- you are you.
You need to develop your own style and approach. Of course adapt management skills and behaviours you have experienced from other managers in the past, and avoid the bad management skills you have come across.
Tip 2 – Start as you mean to go on
People like certainty and consistency. They like to know where they stand. So set clear standards and then model them.
You can always involve the team in agreeing some of the standards. That way they get some ownership as well and it is easier to motivate people who already own the process.
Tip 3 – Share your department’s objectives with your staff and then ask them how they can help you achieve them
People generally like to be given responsibility. It means you value them and trust them.
If anyone resists your involvement of them, then you need to find out why. They may need some help or they may not fit the culture you are creating.
OK. That’s all for this blog. Pick up the next 3 tips next time. You thoughts and reactions would be appreciated.
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