They say that the Americans are famous for their good customer service and travelling through Florida certainly backs this up. Everyone starts with a smile, makes eye contact, uses a cheery upbeat voice and stays with the “positive”. But is this really all that good customer service is?
Well, we still need the right goods and services delivered at the right time for the right price, of course. And that is something that we all should be doing anyway.
To me good customer service is a lot about how we deliver and the Americans certainly have got that right. The proof is in how you feel on the receiving end as the customer. For me, it helps me feel good and helps me feel positive. So, I am more likely to be nice and upbeat and positive in my responses. And that is where I think the secret is.
My experience in America is that there is an unwritten script. The script says that when they provide me with customer service it should be all things positive. When I respond I should also work with the script and be all things positive back. If that happens then we all feel good.
So what’s wrong with that? Well, nothing. If the script becomes habit then we all start to feel good about what we are doing and the response of the customers helps reinforce this. Watch the American Undercover Boss and and see how positive most people are even when on very low wages, living away from their families and with no prospects of any improvements.
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