How do I become an Accredited Trainer?
Train the Trainer Course Outline

Designing and delivering good quality training, which will add value to your employees by developing their skills and attitudes, is essential.
Effective training is about engaging with people to enable them to think for themselves and then make quality decisions on the job.
Learn how to identify training needs, design learner driven training sessions, deliver and evaluate the new skills and attitudes and ensure people are buying in to the corporate values and standards.
Train the Trainer Course Objectives
Outcomes of this course are that attendees will be able to:
- Identify learning needs at individual, occupational and organisational levels
- Design thorough training and development programmes to meet knowledge and skill development needs
- Adapt their training style to different learning styles
- Prepare and develop appropriate resources to support the learning
- Create a climate conducive to learning
- Facilitate learning in groups
- Deliver training utilising a range of techniques to manage learning within the group
- Carry out an evaluation on a piece of training/development
- Implement training and development programmes efficiently and effectively
- Cost training requirements
- Monitor and maintain equal opportunities within the training function
- Evaluate and develop their own knowledge and skills within training and development.

Attendees will be eligible for full Membership of ITOL upon satisfactory completion of the course and assessment of their assignment. This will enable them to use the letters MITOL (Member of the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning) after their name.
Duration: 6 days comprising 3 x 2 day modules and an assignment:
Module 1 – Identifying and Managing Learning Needs
Module 2 – Training Design and Evaluation
Module 3 – Training Delivery and Facilitation
Online Certificate in Training and Development
You can now study for and complete this course fully online.
You will not have to arrange any travel, accommodation and dates for your calendar because you can study where you are located and do it when it is convenient for you.
Read more about the Online Certificate in Training and Development.
Entry requirements for ITOL Certificate in Training and Development (CTD)
- Attendees have achieved the ITOL Foundation Course in Staff Development, or
- Attendees have attended a 2 day Training Techniques course which has been designed and delivered by The Development Company or a similar course and can prove that they have existing relevant experience that provides equivalent skill development.
Entry onto the CTD programme is at the discretion of The Development Company and ITOL and assessor fees for entry may apply.
Online course price £1200 (plus VAT) per person
Contact us for a quote for delivering this course in-company.
Train the Trainer Course Certificate in Training and Development Course Outline
The Certificate in Training and Development (CTD) provides learning and development professionals with a broad range of knowledge and skills to enable them to design and deliver training sessions and courses to a high standard.
Participants will develop powerful skills in the analysis of training needs, training design and training delivery in line with the organisation’s objectives.
The qualification will enable those employed in training, assessment or vocational education to gain entry into the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning as a Full Member.
This programme follows on from the Foundation Certificate in Staff Development. Potential candidates for the Certificate should normally complete the Foundation Certificate first. However, if they have also attended a 2 day Training Techniques course which has been designed and delivered by The Development Company or can prove that they have existing relevant experience that provides equivalent skill development, then they may be accepted directly onto the CTD programme.
We can accommodate a maximum of 6 attendees with one facilitator on this programme.
Success Criteria
In order to qualify for the award of a Certificate in Training and Development, the participant must:
Fully attend and complete this train the trainer course
Maintain a reflective learning journal that has been assessed as satisfactory by the lead tutor
Show training skills during the programme that have been assessed as satisfactory by the lead tutor. These will include:
- Carrying out a facilitated group learning process involving activities and the giving of feedback
- Identifying individual learning needs for an individual and facilitating their learning through one-to-one training
Complete a written assignment relating to the programme.
Programme Duration and Outline
This train the trainer course consists of 3 x 2 day modules with agreed activities between modules and a final written assignment.
(Each day runs from 09.00 to 17.00)
Module 1 – Identifying and Managing Learning Needs

Day 1
- Introductions and Course Admin
- The Training Process
- Purpose of Training Policy
- How People Learn
- Accelerated learning
Day 2
- Identifying Learning Needs
- Organisational, Group and Individual needs
- Critical incident method
- Competencies
- Appraisal
- Self-analysis
Module 2 – Training Design and Evaluation
Day 1
- The Design Framework
- The introduction – process and content
- Behavioural objectives revisited
- The session design
- Costing the training
- Knowledge, skills and attitudes
- Must, Should, Could model
- Using mind maps as a design tool
- Setting timings
- Adding Detail to the Design
- Handouts and support materials
- Visual aids
- Producing lesson plans
- Equal Opportunities
Day 2
- Becoming Learner Centred
- Action learning
- Action planning
- The Evaluation Process
Module 3 – Training Delivery and Facilitation
Day 1
- Introduction to Module 3
- Agreement of feedback rules for practise training sessions
- Practise Training Sessions
- Learning Review
- Introduction to Facilitation
Day 2
- Facilitation Preparation
- Facilitation Practise
- Feedback
- Managing Difficult Delegates
- The Assignment
Contact us for more information or to discuss running this train the trainer course (Certificate in Training and Development) as an in-house programme.