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Management Development

In 2009, we were asked to provide a modular management development programme for 30-40 middle and senior managers within Opus Energy. This modular programme is developing as additional needs emerge and we were delighted to receive this testimonial.

“The trainers provide a truly flexible service and are responsive to the needs of the business and the people that work within it. They really listen to us and take time to understand what we need as opposed to assuming or dictating what they think our requirements are. They are great at communicating with us and do so through whichever methods best suit us and the situation, whether it is face-to-face, or by phone or email. They have been able to work very quickly on projects and have surprised us (and possibly even themselves!) with how quickly they have been able to take a proposed learning intervention right through from an initial idea to design and successful delivery. They give us regular updates and feedback whilst working on projects for us.

The Development Company has provided a real value for money and has delivered cost-effective solutions for us. In addition to designing and delivering training, they have been generous in sharing their knowledge, resources and ideas with us.

They are very approachable and honest and their delivery style is enthusiastic and interactive. The sessions they have delivered for us have been varied in terms of media used, which makes them interesting and memorable. They use a great combination of media including large and small group activities, reflection, theories / models, videos and discussions.

We are extremely pleased with the service and value provided to us by The Development Company and would be delighted to recommend them.”


– Monica Constantinides, Trainer and Rebecca Knape, HR Manager

Life Coaching

“For the past 5 years, I have struggled with laying some difficult memories to rest. Seemingly triggered by a bout of post-natal depression, these closet skeletons tormented me, impacting my behaviours to those closest to me and affecting my general wellbeing and peace of mind. I regularly felt tearful and apprehensive in certain situations and had actually begun to believe that I would never truly be happy inside and would always be searching for things to make me feel good. This gave me a massive guilt trip on the back of everything else, as actually I have the most wonderful husband and children that anyone could wish for, a great job and a superb relationship with my boss. “” At the end of 2007 I was invited to the Times Creme event and colleagues who had been at previous events recommended that I book into any seminars where Kay was speaking. I did this and thoroughly enjoyed Kay’s talks on Time Management and Assertiveness. Kay is the most inspirational speaker that I have ever heard and I felt on a real high after the event – equipped with lots of tools to make not only my working life but also my personal life easier too. “” The Development Company ran a competition during the event offering a free hour Life Coaching. I entered and thought no more about it – no-one ever actually wins these things? “” 2008 must be my year! I won the competition and spoke with Kay over the phone in January. Initially, I felt a bit ridiculous pouring out all my troubles to someone who didn’t know me, but Kay was brilliant. Talking to her was so easy and relaxed, even though we were complete strangers! Kay helped me recognise how much I really wanted rid of the miserable thoughts and feelings from my past and how closure to these problems would enable me to stop wasting such energy on such a fruitless exercise! ”

” Kay set me various tasks and to date I haven’t looked back! I have been able to stop replaying all the negative scenes. I’ve virtually forgiven and forgot! Something I was convinced I would never do. I’m spending quality time with close family and I feel great. I’ve been able to focus on more important things and have lost over a stone in weight. It feels like there is no looking back! I am armed with so many tools given by Kay that I can truly say that the life coaching session for me was priceless. Kay’s contact details are firmly stored and if I ever feel that there is something I can’t overcome on my own, I will be straight on the phone to Kay – a wonderful lady who clearly is passionate about her work and the well-being of those she comes into contact with.”

– Mandy Baxter, Business Support Administrator, O2

Times Creme “For the third Creme running, a trainer from The Development Company had excellent reviews and her sessions were sell outs.”– Simon Mayle, Touchstone Some comments were: “I would like to attend any seminars done by the Development Company. I thought it was excellent.”

“I found the times Creme event very useful indeed and thought the seminars presented by Kay Buckby were exceptional.”

Time Management

“Thank you for the great training yesterday. I look forward to working smarter in the future.”

– Meirion Williams, Programming Manager

Handling Difficult People

” I’d like to say a big ‘THANK YOU’ to The Development Company for the course as it has resulted in me passing my driving test. I was absolutely insistent that I’d pass, and I did. I am so happy. Also, thank you for sending me my TA write up. It’s almost perfect.”

– Emma Jones, Gamble Manufacturing Group

“Thank you for your time last week. I found it an informative course, and it has highlighted a couple of areas I need to be more aware of and that I need to concentrate on, which, as you say, may conflict with my natural instincts, but will be to my benefit in the long run.”

– Michael Mainwaring, Carlsberg

Minute Taking

“What a fabulous course.”

– Stella, Dominos Pizza Group

“The course immediately strengthened my skills as a minute taker and gave me a lot of insight into the process. It was definitely worth travelling from the United States to attend it, and I would highly recommend the seminar to anyone who has the responsibility of taking minutes.”

– Cibele Toledo, Executive Assistant to the C.E.O. Dawn Food Products, Inc.

Presentation Skills

“I felt the course was very helpful, and I obtained loads of good hints and tips on how to plan and implement a successful presentation. I particularly like the examples of mind mapping and what I should, could and must include in a presentation – VERY useful. The course was interesting and the handouts are very useful for reference when planning a presentation.”

– Janet Marshall, Training Co-Ordinator, Cranfield University

Management Development Workshop

“I have a more relaxed and positive approach to my job. I am happier and so are my lads and I am getting a good response from them. I never lacked confidence with them, but the course and you helped me look at things in a different way.”

– Stuart Smith, FFP Packaging Solutions

“I would just like to let you know that I thought the course was great and I most definitely learnt more than I set out to. I personally think that the way you taught etc was brilliant and made the learning even better, and I have recommended your courses to my boss! I really did enjoy the course! I think people here are getting fed up with hearing about it!”

– Julie Whitfield, Admin & Purchasing Manager (Equipment), Gamble Manufacturing Group Limited

“Carlson has used The Development Company for over 2 years now in all their training courses. Adrian’s approach is superb, very relaxed but fun and informative. The Development Company goes out of their way to tailor each course for Carlson, and this has produced excellent results within the company.”

– Jenny Robertson Training Carlson Marketing Group

Train the Trainer

“We are absolutely thrilled with what The Development Company has achieved. The Regional Care Advisers’ enjoyed the courses so much and they are applying the techniques. It has really had an impact.”

– Kay Attard, Personnel Manager, Motor Neurone Disease Association (charity)

Appraisal Skills

“The Development Company has been instrumental in the successful development of Appraisal Training for Cranfield University since 1998. The dynamic and flexible approach to participants’ needs has ensured that there has been increasing emphasis on the motivational aspects of appraisals. The coaching style used in such sessions has stimulated staff to seek innovative solutions for dealing with their staff and increased their commitment to the process.”

– Lynn Horsnell, Personnel Policy, Resourcing & Employee Relations Manager, Cranfield University